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Choosing the child's surname

You can choose your child’s surname yourself. This can be done before birth or when you register the birth.

When choosing your first child’s surname, you can choose between the surname of the mother, or the father or duomoeder. You can also choose for a combination of the parents: a double surname.

The information available on this page is covered by Dutch law. If your child does not have Dutch nationality, but a different nationality, then the surname will be set by the naming laws of that country.

To register the name of your child, visit the lobby of Burgerzaken (Civil Affairs) at city hall together with your partner. You can do so before the birth or no later than the birth registration. You cannot authorise your partner, you will have to go to city hall together.

Double surname

You can also choose a double surname for your child. This is only possible if your child has a Dutch nationality from birth or by acknowledgement. The surname that you choose for your first child will be used for all other future children of the same parents. Once the surname is registered, you can no longer change this through the municipal government. You can then only change your child's surname through a judge.

Changing child’s surname upon marriage or partnership

Have you already chosen a surname for your child at their acknowledgement. Are you marrying or entering a civil union with the parent of the child? In this case, you can change your child’s surname once. If you have a double surname, you can choose for the surname of only 1 of the parents. In case of a single surname, you only choose the surname of the other parent.

Notify your civil servant well in advance

You can only change the surname on the day of your marriage or when you register your civil union. Notify a civil servant of the municipal government where you will be married well in advance before your marriage or civil union is registered.


Children below the age of 16 have their surnames chosen by their parents. The name change only applies for all children of the same parent. Children above the age of 16 have to provide written consent as well.


You can find more information or help with your personal situation by sending an email to You can ask question, let us know of your preference for a double surname and leave your personal and contact information by email. We will look at your personal situation and give you appropriate advice. We will do our best to respond to your email within 5 business days.

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