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Registration non-resident (RNI)

If you plan to stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months, and you need a citizen service number (BSN) for dealing with the Dutch government, then you can register in the Registry for Non-Residents (Register Niet-ingezetenen, RNI)You can register in 19 municipalities. It is not possible to register at the municipality of Almere.

What you need to know 

  • If you will be living in the Netherlands for less than 4 months, registering is optional. You only need to register if you want or need a BSN.

What you need

  • Make an appointment at one of the RNI municipalities: Alkmaar, Almelo, Amsterdam, Breda, Doetinchem, Eindhoven, Groningen, Goes, the Hague, Heerlen, Leeuwarden, Leiden, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Terneuzen, Utrecht, Venlo, Westland or Zwolle. You cannot register in the RNI in Almere.
Illustratie Almere skyline